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A detailed and continuous assessment of the child in various traits and activities is done by the class teachers.

Two unit tests and two terminal examinations are conducted. Targets are set internally for each class whereby the children aim to reach particular goals.

Attendance in the unit tests/term exams is compulsory. Any child who is absent for more than fifteen days , without the specific permission of the Principal will be sent a warning notice , following the he/she can be removed from the rolls of the school.  

Children will develop ‘at their own pace’ and each child’s development is closely monitored and the curriculum is applied accordingly.

Assessment reports are issued after every unit test and term exam. Parent-teacher meetings are held after every unit test/ term exam to discuss the performance of the child.

Please note that parents are allowed to meet the class teacher on any working day between 3:00 pm to 3:45 pm to discuss the progress/any issues with the child.